EA Games 再推出模擬市民 3 的更新,並將模擬市民 3 更新至 1.3.24 及 1.4.6 版本。
1.3.24 更新已經修正了多個錯誤:
- 單親家庭有新寶寶的問題。
- 玩家創造的家庭將會被保護,他們不會從故事進程中移除,例如死亡。警告:若玩家曾經控制過多的家庭,有機會使 城鎮有過多人口,並且減低遊戲效能。
- 被刪圖片依舊於啟動器上顯示的問題。
- 中型大小、高質素的影片未能夠成功上傳的問題。
- dfc-gorilla(更新安裝器)訊息未被本地化的問題。
- 無法取消安裝自訂物品的問題。
- 自訂物品的類型顯示錯誤問題。
- 河景鎮的檔案大小與實際有差異的問題。
- 使用儲存的衣飾時衣飾間中被除去的問題。
- 在小圖示中顯示錯誤的模擬市民衣著。
- 移除模擬市民穿著的衣飾時出現的錯誤。
- 模擬市民變更外表時而遊戲被重新載入,模擬市民被轉移到一個隨機地點的問題。
- 在創造市民模式按還原後無法按「接受」的問題。
- 從 The Sims 3 Exchange 下載的模擬市民排序錯誤的問題。
- 老年女人有重覆的帽子問題。
- 「整潔」的模擬市民不會太追求去清潔灰燼。
- 有竊癖的模擬市民能夠歸還其他模擬市民正在使用的物品的問題。
- 有竊癖的模擬市民偷去物品後隨身物品清單出現空格的問題。
- 模擬市民需要達成更多條件來「搗亂」。
- 有恐水症的模擬市民在游泳時會害怕的問題。
- 模擬市民升職而下次的工作時間又在八小時內,模擬市民無法取得一天休假的問題。
- 轉換職業會達成「遇見同事」期望的問題。
- 轉換至一個無同事的職業會達成「與所有同事友好」期望的問題。
- 當模擬市民換新工作或被開除,模擬市民沒有達成「離開工作」期望的問題。
- 「隱者步法」互動在載入/儲存後被停止的問題。
- 「工作狂」性格被移除後「喜歡工作」心情依舊存在的問題。
- 警車會留在警察局前面的問題。
- 被分享竹的十級園藝技能模擬市民失去特殊技能的問題。
- 魚餌選擇器更易用。
- 全 能的植物機會會更容易出現。
- 更易滿足「有價值的油畫」心願
- 「已閱讀的書本」會由「已開始閱讀的書本」改為「已完成閱讀的書本」
- 可收成農作物的果實在分享房屋時不會再消失。
- 模擬市民的體能技能全滿,出現「提升體能技能」機會的問題。
- 不能夠達成「升級音響」的心願問題。
- Sheet music can no longer be chosen from the bookshelf interactions. This prevents a situation in which Sims could no longer learn particular songs.
- Gardening skill gain no longer continues if gardening channel viewing is interrupted.
- Sims can now use “Charming Introduction" on Sims invited over to a home lot.
- Fixed a hang that could occur when moving away from a house with harvestable plants growing on it.
- “Dance Together" and “Tutor Sim in Skill…" no longer appear on Sims at inappropriate times.
- Sims now build relationship through the “Tutor" interaction.
- “Spying on the Cuisine" opportunity can now be fulfilled by selecting to “Eat Outside" at the Bistro.
- Guitar Skill level 10 text notification no longer mentions purchasing new songs from the bookstore.
- Fixed a rare case where a Sim could start painting but the canvas was not visible.
- “Upgrade Object" wish correctly filters out gates.
- 可控制的鬼魂小童與青少年無法上學的問題。
- 可以向不能控制的鬼魂做訪問的問題。
- 當家庭被分割,鬼魂被困在實驗室的問題。
- 能夠移除被鬼魂使用的墓碑問題。
- 能夠與死神生子的問題。
- “Play with Toy" wish properly fulfills when a child Sim plays with the teddy bear.
- Wish to “See Child Become a Genius" now auto cancels once it is no longer possible to fulfill.
- Children Sims will no longer attempt to knock over blocks at the same time.
- Fixed child animation when putting away the birthday cake.
- Babies and Toddlers will no longer be left alone if the household is split up or merged through edit town, a babysitter will be called.
- Toddler’s body no longer deforms when “Watching TV" after “Learning to Talk."
- Child Sims no longer deform after “Watching a Concert."
- “Become Enemies with Child" wish no longer appears.
- Prevented a case where toddlers were allowed to escape a lot and wander freely.
- “Clean High Chair" wish properly fulfills.
- A child that ages to a teen will no longer receive the wish to “Talk about New Job."
- Eating specific prepared meals no longer has an impact on an unborn baby’s gender.
- Fixed a rare case where a toddler’s teddy bear could get permanently stuck in their inventory.
- A family with only a toddler is no longer allowed to be saved to the library.
- Fix for children playing improper animations when trying to cook.
- Under certain circumstances, Sims will now choose smarter lot entry locations.
- Certain situations will now properly stop socialization and disallow asking other Sims to join.
- The “Call Over" Interaction is now available on seated Sims.
- Neighbors will no longer gather to watch a burglar that hasn’t yet stolen anything.
- Sims will no longer attempt to use laptops when they are ungreeted visitors.
- “Play a Game with Sim" wish now fulfills from “Playing Foosball."
- Sims will now get the “Witnessed Divorce" moodlet from watching other married Sims break up.
- Sims will no longer occasionally fail to walk a path involving four or more flights of stairs.
- Sims no longer have the rare chance of getting permanently stuck while socializing.
- Non-player Sim autonomy now runs more quickly for Sims on screen and nearby (neighbors won’t spend time standing in their front yards or not moving on community lots)
- Sims will no longer get a wish to ask their husband to be their boyfriend.
- “Woohoo" interaction now counts as a romantic interaction.
- Parents will no longer wish to “See Sim Get Married" for their already married children.
- Fixes a rare case in which a blank thumbnail could appear in the family inventory after a Sim had been kicked out.
- Fixed a case where “Breakup with Sim" wasn’t correctly fulfilling.
- Prevented problematic routing behavior that occurs when replacing an object mid route.
- “View" interaction will not be duplicated when placing objects on the “Nearly Perfect Pedestal."
- Sims who run into obstacles placed directly in front of them, no longer get stuck.
- Fixed a rare case in which a Sim remains on the wrong lot after moving.
- Sims no longer fail to view decorative objects placed on a fireplace mantle.
- Purchasing “SimLife Goggles" now fulfills the “Buy Video Game" wish.
- “Amateur Olympics" Opportunity notification now mentions event times.
- The “Maywood Glen" community lot is now properly classified as a park.
- Stocked ponds are properly preserved when shared.
- Relationships are properly preserved when merging a newly created household into an existing household.
- “Eat Food at Park" wish now fulfills properly.
- Merge household bed and fridge requirements are no longer enforced on lots that are being abandoned.
- Fish are no longer duplicated in the fridge when moving homes.
- Fish no longer appear on dry ground of lots that have been coverted to residential lots.
- Buildings will keep the appropriate lights when zooming in and out at nighttime.
- Bulldozing a lot with collectable spawners no longer destroys the spawners.
- Refreshing doors no longer causes them to lose their front door status.
- “SimLife Goggles" are no longer duplicated after moving.
- Custom paintings can now be properly placed above objects that are placed up against a wall and leave enough wall space.
- Stairs are no longer allowed to be deleted while in use.
- Lot pricing was corrected in edit town. The price of trees and bushes is now properly accounted for. Various community lot objects no longer provide negative value to a lot.
- A selected object in buy or build mode now stays attached to the cursor as the player scrolls the camera with the direction keys.
- Fences no longer occlude sound.
- Terrain enclosed by walls and a roof is now properly lit.
- Puddles will properly conform to uneven terrain.
- Exposed floor tile edges have changed in color.
- Fixed a problem where counters would occasionally turn black while selecting certain objects in build mode.
- Fixed a rare instance where at map level the bulldozer tool could leave a blue hole in the ground.
- Up arrow can now be used when placing a house from the library.
- Fixed a problem where bulldozed lots were not being properly lit at map level.
- Placing small objects on the front slot of the dresser will no longer block the dresser from being used.
- Fix for misaligned water effects on a particular sink.
- “Collection Helper" is properly displayed when picked up in buy mode.
- Fixed a rare routing failure that could happen when attempting to route to an enclosed object on an inactive floor.
- Roofing is now visible on low end Intel video cards.
- Waterlillies now have a smoother level of detail transition when zooming the camera.
- Game speed no longer affects the playback of audio stings.
- NPC’s automobiles are no longer purged from inventory.
- Fixed a very slow memory leak triggered by the “Fertilize" interaction.
- Fixed an error that occurred when removing the moodlet manager from the inventory of a Sim that was in the process of using the moodlet manager.
- Deeds will now stack in the inventory and a “Collect All" interaction can be used on them.
- Televisions no longer play video after they are burned or broken.
- The Magic Gnome text notification now displays the proper icon.
- The Sims 3 is now properly categorized as a game in the Windows Vista Games Explorer.
- Fix for a case where rapidly clicking on Sim traits could crash the game.
- Fixed a problem, where through specific timing, objects could become unusable if the game is saved while they are being placed in a Sim’s inventory.
- Fixed a rare case in which the skewer thumbnail of an NPC could disappear during a private wedding.
- Prevented a game freeze that occurred when placing a lot while in “Cameraman Mode."
- Camera memory hotkeys now properly remember floor level.
- Sims no longer automatically exit the bathtub before receiving the “Bathe until Tranquil” moodlet.
- Addressed an issue where distant audio could occasionally be heard while the player is focused on a Sim is inside their own home.
- The option to “Adjust Tree Detail" now properly displays a “Restart Required" message.
- A faint line is no longer visible on the heads of babies.
- Fixed a rare case where the social worker’s vehicle could be left behind on a lot.
- Custom Music will no longer be assigned as a favorite randomly.
- Fixed a minor error that occurred while loading a game where the dresser was in use.
- Korean GRB rating is now available to use in Windows Parental Controls.
- The Sims 3 now supports more than 2000 concurrent save games.
- Corrected various grammar and spelling mistakes.
- Fix for a possible crash when disconnecting headphones during gameplay.
- Adding support for the NVIDIA Ion.
- ATI video driver’s “Adaptive Aantialiasing" option conflicts with ingame “Edge Smoothing." The combination causes visual corruption. A note has been added to the readme encouraging players not to enable these two features at the same time.
- Added support for the NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250.
- Mac Only: Custom Content, Screenshots or video added to Documents/User/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/… while the game is running will now show up in the Launcher.
- Mac Only: The Mac version of The Sims 3 now supports Shader Model 3.0 graphics features. (excluding the NVIDIA GeForce 7300GT and 7600GT cards)
- Mac Only: The high lighting quality Sim shader has been enabled in Create-A-Sim.
- Mac Only: Added a warning message upon attempting to delete a downloaded world (Riverview) that associated save files will be lost.
- Mac Only: Enabled depth texture support (shadows) on all supported video cards.
- Mac Only: The user interface is no longer improperly displayed in ingame reflections.
而 1.4.6 更新則修正了下列的錯誤:
- Windows 版:若玩家安裝 1.3.24 更新的過程被中斷,模擬市民 3 無法被移除。
- Mac 版:無法安裝自訂內容。
玩家開啟模擬市民 3 啟動器時已經會有更新提示。而需要手動下載更新的玩家,先啟動模擬市民 3 啟動器 → 遊戲更新 → 重整,並跟據畫面上的指示下載更新。請注意:你需要安裝並啟動 EA Download Manager 才能下載更新。